Here is her group email from this week...
"Hey everyone!!
Sooooo there's not much time this week, but it was a super awesome week!! Super crazy and change-filled though, but that's ok, change is good!!
So I got transferred this week to a new area, I am now in the Sudley Spanish ward, and my new companion is Hermana Peabody!! She is from Park City Utah!! She's super chill and sweet we get along great :) This is going to be an awesome transfer. From the few days I've been here I really really like it here!! Oh, and my new address is:
*(Contact mom for new address-I didn't want it posted on this public blog)
The members here are awesome and the work is just a going!! My new apartment has a gym and a really nice lounge area that I can email you all from so it's pretty cool!!
Being a missionary is seriously so awesome. You seriously walk out not knowing WHAT is going to be thrown at you that day, but in the end you ALWAYS end up learning something from every single day!! I love having the opportunity to share my testimony with those around me and being able to give my time to the Lord in bringing unto others the happiness that I have found through this everlasting gospel.
If you want to hear more of what happened this week, you'll have to get in contact with my parents, or just wait till I get home! There is seriously so much that happens, and just so little time to sum it all up!! If any of you are contemplating on going on a mission, DO IT. Because it is a decision you will NEVER regret, and you will learn things on your mission that you would NEVER be able to learn in any other way!! I love being here and being able to serve God's children, it gives me so much excitement and so much happiness!!
I love my family and I know that through this gospel and the promises we make in God's holy temples that families are forever!!
I love you all and will talk to you next week!!
Hermana Riddle
Heres some pics of me and my new comp.. the elders are photo bombing in the back of one of them.."

In Riah's letter to me this week she said that she gets along really well with her companion. Her comp just finished training. The area that they serve in is HUGE! It covers 1/3-1/2 of the mission and her companion has served there since she has been out in DC (3 months). She said that her comp told her that there is one part of her area that her and her previous companion weren't even able to get to yet. Good to know though that they are keeping busy. Here is a map of the area that she is serving in right now.
Below are some pics that Riah sent of the lounge area that they get to email from and a few that we received of her apartment. Talk about spoiled! I am ok with it though:)
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