October 7, 2014 was the day that Mariah was set apart as a Missionary! Grandpa and Grandma Ron and Shauna Riddle, Grandpa and Grandpa Larry and Karen Halliday, McKayla, Hannah, Kylie, Ammon, Jared and I were all in attendance. The Stake President (William C Perkins) set her apart. What a special experience. I could feel the spirit so strong and as she was set apart I could feel the power of her new mantle. It was a happy, exciting, emotional time. We took the following picture after she was set apart. What a tender moment for the big sister to take all of her siblings in her arms. She has been the best example of a big sister, We couldn't have asked for anyone better to lead the way. We are so blessed to have her in our family.
On October 8, 2014 Mariah went to the MTC. She will be there for 6 weeks for her missionary training and to learn Spanish. I was caught off guard at the many emotions that her leaving brought on. As I was sitting there in tears I thought to myself, "what am I crying about?" I was happy, sad, excited, and nervous all at the same time and it was interesting that all those tears stood for all of those emotions. I felt peace and comfort though in knowing that Mariah is a righteous daughter of God and I trust that she is in His hands and will be blessed for her obedience.
We said our goodbyes at a church that was close to the MTC. We had to take all the happy pics at first because when the hugs came is when all of the crying started. Here are some pics of the happy and sad day for mom and dad.
It didn't start with mom and dad crying and it didn't end that way either, Here are some pics of the rest of the kids. It was a very emotional day.

After we said our goodbyes at the church we drove her to the MTC for the "drop off". We were able to take some pics as she unloaded, we gave last hugs and said goodbye again. Jared was the last one to get into the car and when he got in there was loads of loud crying from all of us! I am not sure I have ever heard Ammon cry so hard,,,EVER! We must have looked and sounded like we were all a wreck! But after a moment we all started laughing at the fact that we were all crying and being such big babies! Laughter heals the heart! I promise, we made it through! Families are Forever! We love our sweet Missionary.
By the way, this is Heidi if you didn't already know. I am managing Mariah's missionary blog :)
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