Over the past couple of weeks we have received lots of information about what is going on with Riah in Washington DC. It has been so much fun to see so many pics and videos coming through on the Icloud. What a blessing it has been for her to have an Ipad on her mission. It seriously changes the way people are taught and the way that missionaries are able to communicate. Mariah talked to her mission Pres and she is allowed to read her emails during the week at free time..like lunch, dinner, or at night during personal time but she can only respond to emails on her P-day. So, you can send her an email anytime and she will probably be able to read it that day as if she had received a letter. Technology is simply AMAZING!!
Apparently on P-day yesterday Mariah and her companion decided to make some videos. They came through the Icloud yesterday and they are absolutely hilarious! If you are reading this and want to see them then just send me an email, message or text and I will send them to you. I didn't want to post them on here because this blog has too much public access. Both Mariah and her companion absolutely love Miranda (if you know who that is) and they like to talk to each other using the "Miranda" voice so it's funny to see the conversations they have,
Below are just some cute pics that Mariah recently shared to the cloud so she wouldn't lose them. These are older pics but they are new to us:) The Church had us purchase a new Ipad that will be hers to keep when she returns home from her mission. So..she doesn't have the loaner Ipad anymore and had to remove everything off of it before she turned it in.

Here is the most recent group email that she sent on March 16, 2015
"Hello all!!
It is finally starting to become beautiful in DC!! I can't wait for the cherry blossoms to come out!! But hello allergies!!
This past week has been super super awesome!! We have taught so many people, it's crazy!! We picked up 5 new investigators this week whom we feel are so ready to hear the gospel and receive the blessings that it can bring!! One of them is an old lady who is just SUPER cute and can't really get around much, she is a really good friend of one of the members in our ward, please pray for her! Her name is Rut :) Luis is still so awesome, continue to pray for him! He is in the process of trying to get it so that Albert and his other son, Luis Manuel can come back to live here again!! That would be so awesome!!
So last week we received a call from some Spanish elders in another zone saying that they had talked with president and they had an investigator to pass off to us but really it has kindof just become a shared investigator. She is outside of our area, but is super cute! Her name is Dora, and during the lesson we had with her last week we invited her to be baptized on the 25th of April, and she said yes!!! She said she would come to church on Sunday, and that she really feels that this is the true desire of her heart, as she was able to feel the spirit and recognize it. (Mosiah 18:8-11) we were all so happy at that moment, the spirit was so strong!! She has a 12 year old daughter who she wants to learn about the gospel. You can already see all the happiness, joy and peace that has been brought into her life through the spirit and through the knowledge of Jesus Christ and His Atonement!!
I love this gospel and I love my Savior with all my heart!! I know He lives, and that as we approach this Easter season I encourage you all to remember as well. He loves you and cares for you. He knows you and wants what is best for you. You can receive his blessing and know his will if you just Let Him In. So Let Him In!
Always have faith, and never stop believing in Him, because He will never stop believing in you!
Les quiero mucho! Que tengan una bonita semana!!
Hermana Riddle :)"
I cannot believe how fast the time is passing. She will have transfers again on April 9th and says that she thinks she will stay in the same area again but you never know. She and her companion are busy and teaching a ton which is so great. Like I mentioned before in a previous post, when Mariah first signed on to the Icloud she had no idea that we could see ALL of the pics she was taking, She only thought that we could see the shared files. So, whenever she would take a pic, or screenshot something we would be able to see it here at home.
She took a picture of the white board in her apartment (she didn't know that we could see it) which shows all of the people they are teaching. It was color coordinated, separated by city (they serve in like 6 cities), had stars and dots next to peoples names and then had a list of her and her companions goals. I asked Mariah to explain to me what all of the coding was and it was interesting to hear that they have it sorted by non-member, less actives, people on date for baptism, possible baptisms (people progressing) and people that they are considering dropping as they aren't progressing. As we have seen the names of the people she is teaching we have been able to pray for them specifically by name and offer that help from here at home. It has been such a blessing to our family to see prayers answered and see the success that in happening during Mariah's mission. There are over 50 names listed on the whiteboard so that gives you an idea of just how much they are teaching. They have so much going on that they can't possibly get to everything. That's a good problem to have for a missionary. They get lots of support from their ward members which is awesome! Mariah lets us know almost weekly who she would like us to pray for that week and it has been such a wonderful experience for us as well as Mariah.
Thank you to all of those people who continue to support and show your love to Mariah while she is serving.
I cannot believe how fast the time is passing. She will have transfers again on April 9th and says that she thinks she will stay in the same area again but you never know. She and her companion are busy and teaching a ton which is so great. Like I mentioned before in a previous post, when Mariah first signed on to the Icloud she had no idea that we could see ALL of the pics she was taking, She only thought that we could see the shared files. So, whenever she would take a pic, or screenshot something we would be able to see it here at home.
She took a picture of the white board in her apartment (she didn't know that we could see it) which shows all of the people they are teaching. It was color coordinated, separated by city (they serve in like 6 cities), had stars and dots next to peoples names and then had a list of her and her companions goals. I asked Mariah to explain to me what all of the coding was and it was interesting to hear that they have it sorted by non-member, less actives, people on date for baptism, possible baptisms (people progressing) and people that they are considering dropping as they aren't progressing. As we have seen the names of the people she is teaching we have been able to pray for them specifically by name and offer that help from here at home. It has been such a blessing to our family to see prayers answered and see the success that in happening during Mariah's mission. There are over 50 names listed on the whiteboard so that gives you an idea of just how much they are teaching. They have so much going on that they can't possibly get to everything. That's a good problem to have for a missionary. They get lots of support from their ward members which is awesome! Mariah lets us know almost weekly who she would like us to pray for that week and it has been such a wonderful experience for us as well as Mariah.
Thank you to all of those people who continue to support and show your love to Mariah while she is serving.
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