Group Email from March 23, 2015
"Hello all!
So basically I can't put into words everything that happened this week, it would just take way too long.. but it was a super awesome spiritual-filled/ fun-filled week!
So to start out with the fun stuff--(don't get me wrong, it's all fun ;) ) This past week, in a nutshell, we were able to go to the National Air and Space Museum in Chantilly and it was SO AWESOME!!! Everything is REAL there!! They even have the EXACT space shuttle, "Discovery" that has done 150 million miles in space and took its last flight in 2011! Oh my so much cool stuff! We also got a new car this week, they are selling our old one :( The new one is a white 2013 subaru...Then a few days ago we almost got hit from a car that wasn't stopping rolling backwards down the road into us! We literally came centimeters from it! The Lord had a hand in that one!! And then to top it all off we had a HUGE bug in our apartment 2 days ago and were up for like 2 hours trying to get it. I dunno if any of you have seen a "silverfish" but that is what it was.. it looks like a huge centipede/spider thing with a bunch of long hairs and like 50 million legs!! We finally found it and the English sisters came over and killed it cuz I just couldn't, neither could my companion..
This we also had a conference about flooding the earth with the Book of Mormon, and that is what we have been challenged to do better as a mission!! It is so awesome, all the technology we have been blessed with as well as missionaries! I feel so blessed to be serving here in this day and age!! It's really cool cuz in our zone every time someone hands out a Book of Mormon or a Miracle happens we send in "miracle texts" and the zone leaders send it out to everyone in our zone. It gets us super pumped to share the gospel!! :)
One thing I really learned this week: So I had an interview with the mission president (Pres Riggs) a bit ago and he asked me how I felt about having an iPad on my mission and why I think they are giving missionaries iPads these days. My initial response was, "Well, to hasten the work!!" He then told me,"That's what I thought too, until I went to a conference for mission presidents this past week in Salt is the real reason..." He then went on to explain how the world is getting so wicked and people are wasting so much time--and/or doing things that are not uplifting/good for the soul/helping anybody with technology. He shared a quote at the conference by Elder David F Evans regarding missionaries who said: "For many, this is the best chance--and, for some, the final chance--to develop righteous technology habits...You are dealing with problems that will not go away until the Lord comes again." WOW!! I am so grateful for the opportunity I have at this time to learn how to make proper usage of technology, and how to help others come unto Christ through it. Because that is our ultimate goal by the end of this life right? To be able to return to our Heavenly Father again. So why not start using ALL of the resources God has given us for the better, and to accomplish this purpose rather than to using those resources to distance ourselves from it?
I hope that all made sense, but I really just had my perspective widened and a reality check on what really is important and what isn't in life.
Welp, sorry this is so long, but I better get going now! I love you all, and I REALLY REALLY mean it!! :)"

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