"Hello all!!
I am SO sorry but it's like I never have time to write anymore!! This week we had transfers, and after being in the same area (Sudley) for almost 8 months of my mission I have left!!! It was bittersweet. I am now in an area called Bella Vista, and I LOVE it so far. President Hunstman has asked me to serve as Sister Training Leader with my wonderful companion Hermana Mugleston (we were in the MTC together) here! We have been having so much fun while working hard and seeing miracles here!!
Last week we went to "El Mirador," if you look in the back of the pic you'll see the flag of El Salvador, which is FAMOUS for pupusas... if you haven't had pupusas I am sorry.. you are missing out!! The the night before I left Sudley we were able to go see the choir performance of Karina (our Recent Convert)'s son in school. I haven't been in an elementary school forever!! It was so cute!!
We had our ward Christmas party this week as well which was super great, we had a lot of investigators and members show up! We were also able to go work in the DC Temple Visitor's Center again, and took pics with the lights!! Not really anything compared to Salt Lake but still SO beautiful!! I love the temple!! :)
Man I wish I could tell you all a lot more, but there's just not enough time!! I have two scriptures of the week: Isaiah 9:6- the reason for the season! And 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 #charityneverfaileth
Show your Charity and Love and do something nice for someone this week!! 'Tis the season!! :)
Love you all! Until next week,
Hermana Riddle :)"
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El Mirador-Salvadorian papusas |
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Riah's last day with her District in Sudley |
Choir performance at an Elementary School |
I knew that Riah had been transferred so this week I asked Riah a bunch of questions about her new area and what happened with transfers. Here are some of her responses to my questions....
"My new area is awesome!! Hermana Mugleston and I are serving together as Sister Training Leaders now!! We have been having a BLAST. We are SO excited to be able to be companions and work together, we have a baptism on next Sunday, the 20th. Her name is ______ and she is SO awesome! Please pray for her! We have a lot of people progressing and SO CLOSE.....
I got to say the opening prayer in sacrament meeting my first Sunday here in Bella Vista, haha :) I have had a LOT of people tell me that I sound Hispanic when I talk haha.. I still don't feel like it but whatever :)
Hermana Peabody and Pettit stayed together in Springlake, Hermana Craner went back to Little River to go kill Hermana Moberly, Hermana McMillan went to Sudley with my old comp Hna Christensen, and Hermana Atkinson and Mensinger stayed together on the other side of Sudley, as well as Hermana Tate and Bliss stayed together in Old Town :) Fun fun!!
I'm glad you were able to talk to Javier and his family..:) Did you not get to take pics with them?
(We were able to meet the Flores family..a family from Mariah's area in Sudley who moved here to West Valley. Javier was the ward mission leader and his wife was the Young Womens President in Riah's ward. It was so good to meet them and talk about Riah, the ward, DC, and how the mission is going. No, we didn't take pics which is not like me at all but I was a little out of it just being a day after my shoulder surgery. We have plans to meet up with them again for a dinner in January so I will redeem myself then)
If you haven't heard about my return date I guess it maybe isn't changing then?!!
We have 6 missionaries in our district. Elder Gosain is our DL, and his comp is Elder Randall. Then we have Elders Purser and Coburn (Coburn was in Sudley with me the past 2 transfers). But yeah, small district!! It's weird!
Um, so my new apartment and area? I would say it's kinda like downtown Salt Lake. A lot more busy place than Springlake and Sudley.. There are a LOT of filthy rich people that live here in McLean though.. This area covers Falls Church, McLean, parts of Vienna, and Arlington! It's not as big as Sudley cuz Sudley is huge but still a good place!! :)
We actually went back to the visitors center on Friday night to help out again and we are going this Saturday as well! We also go with people in our ward during the week sometimes with investigators or less actives to see the lights!! We have been practicing for the concert that our mission will be performing at the visitors center on Christmas Eve, and man I have just gotten thrown on the piano and keyboard for things haha!! But it'll be good!!
Here is a picture of Riah and her new companion Hermana Mugleston. I am sure this is a familiar face to you as Riah and her have served a huge chunk of their missions together in the same areas:)
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