This week… man, where do I start…? It's just not possible to describe it all so I'll give you a brief rundown! So this week Karina got baptized and she was confirmed this weekend!! :) Yay! She is SO awesome. She has been investigating the church for SO LONG now and this was her time to accept it! It was a beautiful baptism, we were able to arrange for one of her friends from Richmond (like 2 hours outside our mission) to come and baptize her by surprise! She is so happy and is doing so great. It is so amazing to be a missionary and see how much this gospel TRULY flips people's lives around and not only gives them temporary happiness and blessings, but ETERNAL happiness and blessings!!
This Saturday we had the opportunity to go work in the DC Temple Visitor's Center in Maryland to help out the other sister missionaries there due to the influx of crowds that come in at this time of year. It was super fun and different, but such a great experience! If you haven't been to a temple visitor's center yet this year GO. There is one in Salt Lake for all you that are out there, which I am sure most of you know ;)
Well, I am out of time, but thank you all for all the support and love, I am SO grateful for you all!! Until next week!!
Hermana Riddle :)
PS Sorry, iPad cameras aren't the best sometimes.. haha"
Here is a picture of Karina at her baptism! Karina's two oldest kids will also be baptized soon. They are finishing up the lessons with them:)
Here are a few more pics that we received from Riah's visit to the DC Temple! What a beautiful temple! The last picture is with Dennis and Kathleen Riddle (uncle and aunt) who are serving a mission in DC. How awesome it was for Riah to see some familiar faces on the one day she was able to spend serving in the visitors center:)
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